Monday 17 October 2016

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I'm sure you've heard all about it, but we had a fantastic time in the RTE studios on Wednesday. It was great for them to see how a television studio works and by all accounts they really enjoyed themselves. The show will be aired on 29th Oct at 4:30. I've added a few pictures below.

Science week is approaching and the children have all decided on their groups for the class projects. Already I've seen some very good ideas and I've no doubt it'll be a huge success. On the week of the 7th November the children will present their project books, on the week of the 14th we will have our visual displays and then the judges from Intel will be in on the 17th. For those who have yet to choose a topic I will attach a link with lots of fun ideas.

The spelling for this week are,
immediately, irresponsible, decision, incredible, depress, overdramatic, defeat, illegal, confusion, whispered, funniest, answered, character, siopa, liom, leat, leis, leí.

Chat soon,

Friday 7 October 2016

Hi everyone,

I've sent home a note today about our visit to RTE next Wednesday. We'll be gone all day and if the children can bring in two euro for the bus that'd be great. Some of the children are still forgetting to get their tests signed so I'd really appreciate if you could ensure that they're signed and brought back in on Mondays. As of yet, I haven't spoken to all of the parents but I'd just like to reiterate that if there's any problem with the homework, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. The children are all working really hard and here's a few pics of what has been going on in school.

All the best,

Monday 3 October 2016

Hi everyone, Here are the spellings for the coming week. Overcast Overcome Overreact Overeat Overtime Overgrown Overestimate Overachiever Overcooked Isteach paistí nóiméad slán Meander Permission Positive Appropriate Chat soon, Colum